JKF 捷克論壇

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騎士 | 2009-8-18 09:25:49

1.                Be about to 即將
The bus is about to come.
I am about to leave here.
2.                Above all尤其 = especially
Bill likes many animals. Above all, he likes the dogs best.
3.                Adjust to N/Ving 適應/習慣於
=adapt to =get used to
I think it’s hard for me to adjust to the country life.
I adapted to the city life of Taiwan quickly.
I got used to swimming in the morning.
4.                In advance事先
You should call him in advance before visiting him.
You should pay the money in advance.
5.                Be afraid of N害怕
Be afraid to V
I am afraid of that tall man.
I am afraid to give a speech.
6.                In all一共
How much do I owe you in all?
You should pay me 500 dollars in all.
7.                Along with與..一起
=together with
He along with Mary loves to see a movie.
=He and Mary love to see a movie.
Billy along with Sandy wants to go to college.
8.                Be angry with生某人氣
=be mad at
I was angry with you.=I was mad at you.
9.                Take…apart 將….拆開
I can take the computers apart but I can’t put them together.
10.                As long as 只要
As long as you study harder, you will get better grades.
11.                As to 關於
As to the problem, we don’t know how to solve it.
As to the project, the boss didn’t like it.
12.                As well as 和….
He as well as Sandy is excited about the trip to Taipei.
I like your beauty as well as your good heart.
13.                Be able to 能夠=be capable of
Sandy is able to finish her work by herself.
I am capable of reading Japanese magazines.
14.                In one’s absence 在某人不在時
Sandy stole my watch in my absence.
Please take care of my pets in my absence.
15.                Be absent from 從…缺席
Bill has been absent from his school for a long time.
Jay is absent from his work today.
16.                By accident = by chance 意外地
I found my wallet by accident.
She met an old friend by accident.
17.                According to 根據
According to his words, there is a coffee shop at the corner.
According to the news report, Obama won the election.
18.                Be acquainted with …與某人熟識
= be familiar with
Sandy is acquainted with that little boy.
19.                In addition,….此外(用於正面)
Sandy is a kind girl. In addition, she donates to charity organizations every year.
Smith is ugly. Besides, he is selfish.
20.                At the age of ..在…年紀時
I learned how to cook at the age of ten.
People go to primary school at the age of six.
21.                Not …at all一點也不= by no means
Sandy is not friendly at all.=Sandy is by no means friendly.
22.                Amount to 總計
These things amounted to 500 dollars.
23.                One another 彼此
We should respect one another.
24.                Be anything but…絕不是
Betty has anything but good fortune.
25.                Arrive in +城市/國家 到達某城市/國家=get to =reach
I arrived in Kaohsiung yesterday evening.
26.                Be ashamed of 對…感到羞恥
I am ashamed of your poor behavior.
You should be ashamed of your crime.
27.                Ask for 請求= make a request for
If you need the loan, you can ask for the banks.
Ask for help when you need it.
28.                Pay attention to 注意….
I always pay attention to the teachers when in class.
29.                Back up sb支持某人=support sb
I want to thanks for my family because they always back me up.
30.                Be based on 根據..
The movie is based on a novel.
My research is based on the evidence and facts.
31.                Take a bath洗澡= take a shower
After exercising, we had better take a bath.
32.                At the beginning of …在…開始時
At the beginning of the contest, I am much worried about my grades.
33.                In the beginning,…起先 = at first
In the beginning, I ran fastest. But at last I was the last one.
34.                Behave oneself 守規矩
In public children sometimes don’t behave themselves.
35.                Fall behind = lag behind 落後
Sandy must study harder or she will lag behind.
36.                Had better 最好
I had better keep early hours to stay healthy.
I had better do my homework by myself.
37.                Believe in 相信…的存在,信仰….
I believe in ghosts.
Sunny believed in Christianity before.
38.                Belong to 屬於
The house and the car belong to me.
39.                Do one’s best = try one’s best盡全力
I will do my best to study math.
40.                Between you and me 不要告訴別人
Between you and me, Bill’s mother is going to Japan for 7 days.
41.                Beware of當心…
Beware of that bad man because he often lies.
42.                Give birth to 生下…
Mary gave birth to two baby girls.
43.                Boast of 吹噓..誇大…=Boast about = brag of = brag about
William loves to boast of his wealth.
44.                Be bored with…對…感到厭倦
= be tired of
Gary was bored with cleaning his rooms.
Smith was tired of reading the same book again and again.
45.                Both a and b  a和b都
Both Andy and Jack are nice people.
I can speak both Mandarin and German.
46.                Take a break 休息一下
I feel pretty tired. I have to take a break.
47.                Be out of breath 喘不過氣
I was out of breath after running around ten miles.
48.                Bring up sb將某人帶大
My grandfather brought me up.
He was brought up in a small town.
49.                Be busy Ving忙著從事…
Father is always busy making money.
Mother is always busy cleaning and cooking.
50.                Call sb down 責罵某人= scold sb
Mother usually calls me down when I do something wrong.


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勳爵士 | 2009-8-27 01:00:57

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騎士 | 2009-11-18 10:02:06

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鄉紳 | 2010-4-7 19:17:12

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侯爵 | 2010-6-10 17:46:20

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