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威爾斯親王 | 2022-8-4 01:36:17

本篇最後由 東方樹 於 2022-8-12 19:27 編輯




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p0937433921 + 10
duyung + 30 + 30 感謝分享~ ^(oo)^
野生Asa + 10 + 10 樓主太有才啦!
abcd123443215 + 20 樓主太有才啦!
aska110169 + 10 感謝分享

總評分: 名聲 + 140  金幣 + 70   查看全部評分

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威爾斯親王 | 2022-12-11 15:22:21

本篇最後由 jpt007 於 2022-12-11 15:39 編輯



The stars are way out of reach, they all said
Those are crazy schemes that fill your fool head
But it was clear from the moment we met
We could prove them wrong

All my life I heard that same old story
Dare to dream and you'll just be sorry
I might have given up my shot at glory
But then you came along

We're not expecting this to go down easy
We're not expecting any sweet dreams
Sure thing
But with a little luck
Could be we'll be
Winding up the way we planned
Heading for our promised land
Holding one last good hand

Something's calling us I know you hear it
Day by day I feel us growing near it
But once you find a kindred spirit
There's nothing you can do

Oh, baby I'm not saying we won't ever stumble
Some days will be rough and tumble
You and I know that life's a gamble
But I'll
Bet mine on you

We're not expecting this to go down easy
We're not expecting any sweet dreams
Sure thing
But with a little luck
Could be we'll be
Winding up the way we planned
Heading for our promised land
Holding one last good hand


已有 3 人評分名聲 金幣 收起 理由
duyung + 30 + 30 感謝分享~ ^(oo)^
東方樹 + 30 我很認同+1
jerrylai888 + 30 + 30 感謝分享

總評分: 名聲 + 90  金幣 + 60   查看全部評分

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